In my daily work with canva I miss fast to edit trailers for products, events or releases. So I am looking to bring some great trailers to the table and improve the Canva portfolio.
This one was built with a free to use Audio that I uploaded and free backgrounds/Graphics on Canva. You can play with this template here: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGVPIZJ1Sw/S35ai8soqdusLc-LxuDqGQ/view?utm_content=DAGVPIZJ1Sw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink&mode=preview
I would love to hear from you via email tvd@tilvondombois.com
Tel 05136-8015341
Popkantor Studios
Lise-Meitner-Str. 8
31303 Burgdorf
01. Video Games
Til von Dombois
02. Gutes und Barmherzigkeit
Til von Dombois feat. Allstars
03. In The End
Til von Dombois feat. Popkantor Band
04. Just You And Morning Dawn
Til von Dombois
05. Put My Trust In You
Hanna Jursch
06. Put Your Headphones In (Maybe They Vanish One Day)
Til von Dombois
07. Titanium Acappella RMix
Til von Dombois
08. Personal Time
Wieny Shao feat. Popkantor Band
09. Wie im Bilderbuch (Remix)
Jana Breman
10. Criminal Vereinigung
Til von Dombois